Monday, December 19, 2011

Sneak peeks

I've been working on face-ups, recently. Here are the two I'm working on at the moment. :3
The Delf Nanuri 2006 is mine and the Resinsoul Yun belongs to my friend, Meg.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Why, Hello There~

Hello, hello~

I'm the person who runs this place. Whatever this place is. :|
Profile is on the right. There's the "About Me" section and "Who's That Person?". So yeah. Read those if you'd like.

I'm going to post doll pictures, updates to my doll family, face-up pictures (completed and maybe progress), all sorts of dolly related things...that pertains to my dolls and any dolls who visit or I work on.

So, yeah.  Enjoy yourself, have fun, nice to meet you, all that good stuff~
